Run Your First Playbook

This document explains how to run your first FortiAnalyzer Ansible playbook.

With FortiAnalyzer Galaxy collection, you are always recommended to run FortiAnalyzer module in httpapi manner. The first step is to prepare your host inventory with which you can use ansible-vault to encrypt or decrypt your secrets for the sake of confidentiality.

Prepare host inventory

in our case we create a file named hosts:

fortianalyzer01 ansible_host= ansible_user="admin" ansible_password="password"
fortianalyzer02 ansible_host= ansible_user="admin" ansible_password="password"


Write the playbook

An Example

in the example: test.yml we are going to create a script on FortiAnalyzer:

- hosts: fortianalyzers
  connection: httpapi
  - fortinet.fortianalyzer
   ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: yes
   ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: no
   ansible_httpapi_port: 443
    - name: Alert console
             language: english

Parameter Usages

there are several mandatory options in the example:

  • adom : adom is the administrative domain that an API is going to run inside. In most cases, global or root is what you need.
  • state : state is indicating the action the module is going to take. by giving present, the module will create or update the object, while absent tells the module to delete the object in the FortiAnalyzer.
  • other module specific parameters are defined differently, you can find their usages in each module page.

Run the playbook

ansible-playbook -i hosts test.yml

you can also observe the verbose output by adding option at the tail: -vvv.